


Sept.29 1994

Dear Frederic Fouad

  I'm really sorry that I missed the chance to meet you this time. But as I told you, I'll be in New York and Boston from October 13 to October 23 attending the symposium of MIT, and I'm hoping to get to see you.
  I have time to see you as below.
  1. 14(FRI) from evening
  2. 15(SAT) all day
  3. 16(SUN) all day
  Please let me know the time when it's convenient for you by telephone or facsimile( both 0492-25-9117). It would be fun to see you.

  By the way, I'm quite lazy by nature and I have been thinking what a bother to travel abroad! (In fact this was the first visit to the U.S.) So please let me tell you briefly my motive and impression for going to the U.S. this time.
  My motive is simple. That's I quarrelled with my client(Japanese public broad-casting, NHK). For the client I had been working for 9 years on a copyright suit and in accordance with the client's policy I had been fighting severely against the plaintiff. But up to the last moment last December, my client suddenly changed the fixed policy into a cowardly, weak-kneed one. To hear it, I got enraged and at once resigned from the case. Just then, I was directly convinced that I would go abroad, I would run away from Japan as soon as possible. Because looking at this NHK's attitude and its character, I couldn't help finding in these attitudes the most disgusting character of Japan. It seems to me that even in these modern international times, Japanese character is essentially still so exclusive, closed, unfriendly, unclear, illogical, and in addition very proud( because of Japan's economic power). I do hate this close-minded attitude.
  In that sense, in Japan I believe neither liverty nor individuality reallyexists. So I have been choking, and when I quarrelled with NHK who represents most cleary the Japanese character, I felt immediately that I would abandan Japan and escape to other countries in which a kind of liberty and individuality exists. Then I got an idea to go to the U.S. That's the reason why a so lazy fellow like myself took the trouble to go there.
  Secondly, my impression for going to the U.S. this time was great. So coming back to Japan, I have been always thinking of your country day after day, and after all I decided to look for a new job in your country. Of course, I know there are many difficulties for the purpose;to learn English, to study copyright of the U.S. and so on. But if I left myself as I am in Japan, I would become choking to death with Japanese human relations. Actually coming back to Japan, I have been feeling blue about the life in Japan, and been up against the wall. So I think there is no other way but to escape from here. And I'll do my best to realize my purpose just like Michael Jordan.
  So when we meet, please tell me yourself and your life in America, and introduce me various unique people of your friends. To be honest, I am not interested in sightseeing at all, and what I am interested in most is just people like you.
  Therefore I want to learn from people like you what they think,feel and believe. As for my English, the level of my English is terribly low. So when I went to the U.S. for the first time, I felt myself E.T. or Helen Keller. Actually I could hardly understand what pepole said in English. But fortunately when I met several persons in Boston who made me quite relaxed and comfortable, I felt an very pleasure to hear their speech( in spite of without understanding).
   So I thought it's good for me to be E.T. or Helen Keller if I can be with a open friendly person. And I found when I am with a open friendly person, I unconsciously want to talk with the person in English, in spite of my poor English.
  Therefore you should regard me as E.T. or Helen Keller, and please you will be Elliott or Miss Sullivan.
  Anyway I'm looking forward to seeing you. Thank you very much for reading my full of mistakes and funny letter.

Cordially yours,

  I am learning English as if I were a baby(just like E.T. or Helen Keller), and want to learn about American Law and American Court. So I'm looking for a book about them which even a baby like me can understand. Please recommend such a book.

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